ePortfolio @ MaryParke.com

sghsdth drjtrhyj: Wall

Profile PictureAlex Song - 26 December 2019, 7:57 AM

Very encouraging. I often feel like who I am is somehow mapped to who I was earlier in life. I suppose the important thing is that, while my past was the journey I took to arrive where I am now, the direction I take tomorrow is not mandated by the direction I took yesterday. Each day is a new opportunity to explore a different path. Memories of yesterday are exactly that- little tidbits of recollection stored away in our minds. They don’t govern our direction today- nor do they resign us to be a product of our past.

Profile PictureAlex Song - 20 December 2019, 9:17 AM


Hassan single ladies and whatsapp numbers for dating and love online

Profile PictureAlex Song - 12 December 2019, 9:03 AM

Nothing about what I want to do in life requires a PhD. I decided to do it for three reasons. First off, I always imagined myself to always have a doctorate ever since I was kid. It’s something I always imagined would happen in my life. Second reason was ease. I had done a Master’s Program in Human Sexuality and Education.

Profile PictureAlex Song - 12 December 2019, 6:10 AM

I love that little bird floating down on the webpage!  hahaha, beautiful!  And thank goodness, I'm not in the dating scene!  Phew! happy to be married and complete right now!  woo-Hooooo!  P

Profile PictureAlex Song - 10 December 2019, 9:01 AM

“Well yo mama must have cavities cuz that hoodie is sweeeeet!” And all the other kids on the black top react with a lively round of, “Oooohhhh!”

Now it’s Julio’s turn to give it back…

“Oh yeah? Well yo mama’s like a tasty cheese plate, cus she saved a bunch of cheddar on dem Kmart jeans!” and  once again, another lively reaction from the crowd.

But hey, don’t let me spoil it for you. Just take a look for yourself…